I ordered two spiderlings, the p. murinus (Usambar Baboon [OBT]), and the a. geniculata (Giant Stripe Knee). They arrived, today, along with a C. fasciatum (Costa Rican Tiger Rump) and a G. aureostriatum (Chaco Golden Knee). That's two more (ok, one more) than I'd planned for, originally. I now have 5 (FIVE!) spiders in my tender care. I love them so much, I'm all nervous and fluttery. They're so tiny, all beween 1/4" and 1/2" the Chaco and genic are the biggest, and ballsiest, they ate their pins already, and are traveling around their vials like they own the place. The OBT came out to eat, but dashed back in his hole, and the Tiger Rump has yet to make an appearence. I can see why Xan was so nervous, the Tiger Rump is VERY tiny. I can't even see it in it's container. I see the hole it dug, but it's waay down in there. Swifty also hooked me up with a vial of teensy pinhead crickets (that I at first mistook for ants, they were so tiny, till they started leaping around) and some 1/4" pins. They're so cool. I want to take pics, but, because of how small they are, I'm afraid they won't come out well.
I've never taken care of anything so small, in my life. The other "baby" I had, was my Bearded Dragon, I raised him from a very small baby, he was smaller than you typically find, in a pet store, and I was nervous about him. These little guys are, like unreal. I have them all lined up here in front of the moniter, I keep leaning down to peer at them, and see what they're up to.
Now, for naming!
The OBT is going to be named Opti, for sure, and the genic will be called Lucinda (I don't know if they're male or female, yet, so I'll just make the necessary changes, when I find out), and now what for the tiger rump, and the chaco....hmmm.
Any suggestions?
[Listening to: Heart Of Steel - Manowar - (5:07)]
You best name one after me or I'll cry.
Or maybe just name a cricket after me.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...oh man, if the OBT wasn't already designated, it would be a great Shralp. Bitey. Flashy. Mean.
Shralp is a good name, though. Or, Jamie. Perhaps I will name my Tiger Rump, Shralp. If nothing better pops up...
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