
Ah, now I get it

Early in my blogging days, I would ponder at why my two or three readers would get annoyed if I didn't update. Now I know. When you find someone's stuff that you enjoy reading, and they don't update for days, it can be very frustrating. Clicking on the link day after day, to see the same entry that you've read nine times already. Then, it's really REALLY sad, when after clicking on there day after day, for over a month, and nothing, you realize that it is now a Dead Blog (*cough* Ally...Tess, not that I think either of you read this one anymore). But, now I have seen the light, since I'm no longer a message board junkie, now I'm a blog junkie, and I rely on a stable of interesting blogs, to pass my internet time.
[Listening to: Love's So Heavy - Henry Rollins Band - (3:52)]


Anonymous said...

And also with some people it's the only way to know what's going on with them. :)

Lili said...

Damn, non keeping in touch, people. Yeah. YEAH. Now we just need to make Greg keep a blog.