
Minor Spider Update

They all have names:

Chaco= Dulce
a. genic= Lucinda
p. murinus= Opti
Tiger Rump= Speck

Sorry GE, Red, and anyone else that wished their name on one of my arachnids. Maybe with the next batch...

Opti is so big and bad, I had to move him to a larger enclosure. Now he's residing in an 8 oz. Gladware, with 2 inches of substrate. I just stuck the vial in the container, and now he's webbed up his little vial, and is using it as a hide. I stuck a small cricket (not the really eensy ones, but, a 1/4 inch) in there with him, and I blinked, and the crick was gone. I looked in the hide, and all I saw was Opti's mandible, with two legs poking out. It was a thing of beauty. Aggressive little beast.

The rest got a round of pins, and are doing well. Speck is still in hiding, though.

Yes, I am still procrastinating. Yes, I'm leaving now.
[Listening to: Hollowed be thy Name - Iron Maiden - (7:11)]

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