This week is pure chaos, in that happy, frantic, kind of way. Today is a window of calm anticipation, which I'm using to chill, and prepare myself for the rest. Tomorrow, I pick up Alden's suit, my last accessories, and anything else he might need, for the wedding, as well as get my nails/toes done, then the appointment with the electric company. Thursday morning the countertops are being delivered/installed (FINALLY!!! The pieces of the puzzle are coming together...) and then the wedding rehearsal/dinner. Friday, the wedding (omfg), Saturday, the Anthrax/Dio show in the city...Sunday, sleep. Lots of sleep. Then, next week, camping, then the mister's birthday...
I'm getting tired just thinking about it all. It's a good feeling, though. It's good, because it's different. No more stagnating.
It's fall. Changing time. Things change. I'm sleeping better than I have in years. Because, I know. I love being able to say that, now. I Know.
[Listening to: Loose - The Stooges - (3:33)]
I've got to admit, the cobweb nipple shields coming in was my favorite part.
I figure that's the best way to keep readership. I say "nipple" once in awhile, and it keeps you guys interested :p
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