

I bitch about her a lot, but, sometimes she really comes through. With stuff, money, or just well, that mommyness intuition. I needed a wrap for The Dress, this morning, we spent 3 hours hanging out, trying to figure something out, then make one. She made me two, in case one ripped (they're tulle, which is notoriously fragile) and also loaned me this really nice angora type one, that she got in England, in case the tulle pissed me off. It might, I'm flighty like that.

But, this morning, along with sewing, and chatting, we talked a lot about Things. I forget that she can be so intuitive about me. I forget that I seem to broadcast whatever I'm thinking or feeling, around her, like a light board. She knows more about Things then I give her credit for. It was good, today was a good morning. I got a nice wrap, too. Now all I need, for The Dress, is underwear.
[Listening to: Master Of Misrule - PARADISE LOST - (3:06)]


Adam said...

I thought you were going to go commando??? :)

Lili said...

It's not out of the question...