
Bringing the inner punk out

Not that it was all that deeply hidden...

But, this is the results of The Hair Experiment.

Whatchoo lookin at?!

Look out ladies!


He's playing air guitar now. It does my heart good.

[Listening to: Used to Love Him - L7 - (2:11)]

Edit: I was sick of the pics distorting my blog, so I just linked them.


Lili said...

Hehe, thanks :D

Adam said...

I agree, cute kid.

But BAD BAD BAD - you gotta walk under that ladder to get outside. That's bad luck!!! *evil grin*

On the flip side, I use AXE deoderant too. :D

Lili said...

His daddy was fixing up the back porch, when I took that picture, you can sorta make him out in the background, holding a hammer (he's that ominous green shape, behind the door), hence the ladder. It's not a permenant fixture :p