

I've taken to getting up with him, every morning, now, and spending the time doing constructive things, like talking about the day's events, etc. He likes it, that I get up earlier, we get stuff accomplished. The porn thing is not an issue, because he doesn't have time to do it. I'm hoping, like a bad habit, this will just fade out, after while. We'll be going camping for a week, starting Friday, so that's a week of not having to worry about it. Maybe when he comes back, he'll have forgotten about it.

Like I said, it's not worth discussing.

In GE's defense, he's known me a long time, and knows this situation rather well, I think. If we were in a normal place, this would be a non-issue. Because of the situation that we're in, it's just another red flag, and definitely an insult, etc. GE is not off the mark with his 'one dimensional' diagnosis, because that has been one of my main problems with things, for a long time. It's already a fact, he does view me as one dimensional. That's not news. This is just it manifesting itself again.

I'm very 'whatever' about the whole thing, really, because now I have an idea as to what's going on in his head (due in part to blogging about it, your comments, and my studying his behavior closely).

So, thanks guys, for your insight and advice, I appreciate it (sorry I didn't have some juicy arguement to blog about, haha) and I'm declaring this matter closed.

Now on to packing, for camping.

Edit: Strange, my comment down there just showed up. I dashed it off last night before going to bed, and when I got up earlier, it wasn't there, so I made this entry, instead of having that comment. Now the comment's there, and this is here, and blogger really needs to get its shit together, I think.
[Listening to: Navras - Juno Reactor - (9:08)]

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