
Oh no...

Ally did it. She talked me into the darkside.

After quitting AC, the final time, I decided that I'd had it, had it up to *here* with MMO's. No more of this monthly fee bullshit. I'd gone the route of Arte, and signed off on them totally. Social gaming? Sure, lets play NWN or Rise of Nations.

But, she showed me WoW screen shots. We talked about it this morning, forever. Even when we both had to GO OMG I HAVE TO GO...we kept on. I read the site. I read the FAQ. They left no stone unturned. They took all the bad or weird awkward things out of gaming. I'm in love with this game. I want to preorder it.

I'll never get over my gaming addiction. It's been ongoing since I was a kid, into paper and pencil games, like D&D and Cyberpunk. Then came computer games...and I go in waves, sometimes I'm a junkie, playing 15 hours a day, stopping to eat, shower, and feed my family. Sometimes, not even that...I spent a few (ok, more than a few) nights in front of AC, with ordered pizza...gone unshowered for 2 days or more....yeah, I'm a junkie. Other times, I can go for months, without ever firing up a game, at all. They become a chore. I've been on that kick for awhile. Had a brief reprieve with The Sims 2, but that lasted for a few days, only. Sims is a "if I have nothing at all better to do" boredom reliever, type thing. Always has been, still is. Rise of Nations is my other latest, which is cool, but again, it's good in hour or two blocks.

I'm all excited about a new game, just the newness and the ever important "ooh" factor is gonna be great. Will it be another AC2 (which I wanted to love, I so wanted to love it for ever and ever...it had such potential. It was fun for a little while, at least) or will it live up to the hype?

[Listening to: Changes - Black Sabbath - (4:40)]


Adam said...

Wheeee! Another one bites the dust. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to this game to come out as well. I signed up for BETA almost a year again, and have privately seethed when listening to other people rant at how good it was while I still hadn't gotten in. They all suck. Open Beta starts very soon though, so they can't keep me away forever...

Once the game goes retail, Ghost, Dylithia, Calibra, etc are all planning on creating a Horde guild, and the rest of our clan is creating a separate guild for the Alliance.

Join us! http://www.epikac.net

We can rollplay the Orcs and Undead and go unbathed for days at a time together!

Lili said...

Playing an Orc...while smelling like one irl. How totally novel, and immersive. I'm all for it.

Ally wants to start her own guild, and I want to, as well. If the rogue class is as kickass as it looks, I'm going to try to make an all rogue guild. I've always wanted one, in an mmorpg, so it's worth a shot, at the getgo.