
Friday already?

Fastest week, ever. It's Michele Day, so that's cool as hell. It's patchy, we both have stuff to do, that's gonna break up the day a little bit, but we're still hanging out.

I feel better than I did yesterday, about the whole house thing. It came as a shock, hearing all that on the phone, and having the whole situation presented to me in such a manner, felt like hitting a brick wall. After mulling it over, checking finances, pricing materials, really weighing up the jobs, I feel reassured. We can get this shit done. It'll still be assy, but in the end, I think things are going to work out for the better. Things are moving at my pace, now, not their pace, so we sorta have more control over things. That's a good feeling.

I'm so complacent about the whole house thing now. I've gotten to the point, now, where it's like "What's the worst thing that can possibly happen?" Honestly, if it burned to the ground, this very moment, not only wouldn't I be suprised, but I wouldn't be all strung out about it. Shit. That house is cursed, I'm starting to think. People who know me, know better than to ask about it. "How's the house going" is a surefire way to set me off. I can't let it eat away at me, though, like it used to. Fuck it, it'll be over soon.

Every single aspect of it, without fail (except maybe the installation of the countertops) has been royally fucked. There are so many details that I don't blog, but are just major wrenches in progress. Just yesterday, in fact, at the same time I was on the phone with Graef the Gas Company showed up to hook the meter to the house, set it, and turn on our gas. The assholes showed up, and left without doing it. Called the gas company later, thinking they never came. They said "the meter wasn't hooked to the house gas line, so we couldn't set it. You have to hook it up, they said. But but...YOU'RE THE GAS COMPANY! It's one piece. Fuck, I can screw it together with my hands, in about 14 seconds. But, when I set the appointment, it was all "ok, someone will be out there to hook it up and set the meter, on the 21st" And by hooking it up, I thought they meant, y'know HOOKING THE FUCKING THING UP. No. They were there and gone, and now won't be back till November 3rd.

You know what. I'm done with bitching. I was gonna rant on, but I just had a sort of an epiphany. No more bitching, I'm having a great morning, and I'm gonna leave it at that.
[Listening to: Serenity Painted Death - Opeth - (9:13)]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This too shall pass."


That's helped me get through many things. Just remember that the tides always change. <3