
This is gonna unwind into a saga, I can feel it already... No one I know irl reads this, so I'm not changing any names to protect the guilty and weak.

So, Harriet's husband, John is an alcoholic. He's now in recovery. After drama after drama, and her running to his rescue then threatening to throw him out, and the threat of divorce, and so on, he's gotten himself on the ball. Counceling twice a week, AA meetings, the whole bit. Grats to him, it takes a big man to admit addiction and get over it.

SHE'S got her head SO FAR up her ass, I can't even believe it. Just got off the phone with her, and get this, a direct quote: "I know the meetings are helping him, and all the councelling shit, but I just don't want to hear about it. I'm so not interested in his life. I try to pretend to care, but I don't. As long as he stays clean, what the fuck do I care what he does? Soooo boring...."

Am I the only one who notices how wrong that is, on so many levels? How totally unfair? Well, honestly, you don't know the situation, so I can't ask that. I'm working on presenting it here, though. I've been working on THe Harriet Chronicles, in my car, day to day. She is a source of much of my ponderings. She is a psychologists' wet dream.

When I tidy it up, and finish that one part, I'm gonna start it. The Harriet Chronicles. It'll be interesting, you'll see.

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