
Gah, it's happening again. I changed my AIM name, because every time I'd log in under my old one, 2897427493 people would pop on and want to chat. I can't entertain that many people, on a daily basis, I simply don't have that energy, I do it enough in real life. So, I changed my name. Soon enough, lots of people learned my "hiding" name. Same problem. So, I moved over to MSN. Now, every time I get on MSN, I really only want to talk to one or two people, and 5 conversations start up, and here I am netted into talking to a load of people. It's that whole obligation thing. I like talking to my friends, and I enjoy having conversations, but when it gets to the point where I feel like I *have* to...gah, that makes me want to delete the program.

I've been feeling it more lately, because I'm online much much less. Spending whole days (!!) outside, busy as hell with the house, all that.

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