
The Big Purchase and Roy vs. Joe

I just spent 3,500.00

There is something incredibly satisfying about walking into a store, doing a little paperwork, paying in cash, and walking out the proud owner of 3,500.00 worth of new cabinets.

I ordered them, they'll be here at the end of May. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. This means I have a firm deadline now. End of May. The cabinets will be the last piece in the puzzle. Now I gotta get the rest of the pieces together (flooring, finish painting, and *cue doom music* PACKING).

I also spoke again to Roy, the guy who wants to rent. The more I talk to him the more I like him. He's a nice, nice guy, totally upstanding. Told me a little about himself, and his girlfriend. I really like his kind of people, he's a Methodist, goes to the same church that I used to (back when I did the church thing) knows a lot of the same people I know. He's totally into clean living, no drinking, no smoking, blahblah. His girlfriend works at a local Dunkin Donuts and is putting herself through college. I have such good feelings about these people. No pets. Two kids that would visit on alternate weekends, but otherwise, no kids. People I can respect, people I would be thrilled to rent to.

Joe, my contractor. The other guy that wants in this house...he's...well...he'd pay me the same amount of rent, and I trust hhim for my money, but the guy is a slob. He's also eyeing the house because it's across the street from his favorite bar. He's a nice guy, yes, but his quality of living...it leaves much to be desired.

I know Roy will love my house like I do, he'll appreciate it. Right now the guy is living in a one bedroom apt with his brother. He's sleeping in the dining room, poor guy. This house is small, but it's head and shoulders above a dining room. He's a neat freak, and he loves gardening. I know he'll love my little flowerbeds as much as I did. Joe? He'd probably park one of his trucks on them.

I'm renting based on character, and quality of life.

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