

Let's talk about perfume for a minute.

Personal scent: It should be an understatement. I like to think of it as a gift to people you like enough to stand close to. It should enhance your presence, a little, by being a joy to other's senses of smell.

What it should NOT do: Announce your presence before you physically arrive, nor linger for 20 minutes after you've left. It should not spread in a 30 foot radius assaulting the olifactory gland of any innocent bystanders. It shouldn't be detectable UP WIND or OVER THE PHONE. Perfume should not speak louder than you.

I think people who marinate in their scent are the same ones that talk too loud, and otherwise insinuate themselves on others. It's probably all subconcious, but there's a definite pattern of behavior here.

This rant brought to you by Harriet, who mentioned in a conversation, the other day, "...once a year?! You only have to buy a new bottle of perfume once a year?! Jeezus, I have to get a new one every three weeks!" *shudder*

At least, though, in her credit, she wears quality stuff. My above rant goes TRIPLE for people who buy their eu de toilette at the grocery store, or at a dollar mart.

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