
More: This is a continuation of The Harriet Chronicles. See down there for clarification.

She's planning this huge bash, in May, for Sis's 75th b-day. Big affair. They're getting a hall, a DJ, catered, the whole works. Harriet is positively consumed, to the exclusion of most other things, by this. Every day, yammering about this DJ and the price of that hall, and who has better food, and themes and colors, and the guest list. Every day. While Sis herself is hooked to machines in the hospital. Tuesday night, she called me about chicken dishes. What's good for a crowd? What works for a spring party? "How's Sis?" I asked. Fine, and she likes chicken, too.

I'm bothered by this.
It bothers me.

Fin. Finally. For now. I'm sure there will be more about this woman.

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