

It's a nice zingy spring day. Thunderstorms at night, perfect blue sky in the morning. It's sunny, hazy, sleepy, warm, cool, bracing, and fragrant, all at the same time.

Step one from eliminating Them from my life is in place, and the effect is Good. Them, heh, I suppose it's a good time to get into who They are. Two years ago, about, a Jehova's Witness came to my door, looking to offer Bible study. I took her up on it. I know a lot of things, about a lot of faiths, but I wanted to learn the Bible better, and I didn't know thing one about the JW's. When I agreed to it, I thought it would be a one or two time sesson. Fast forward to 2004, and it's been on again-off-again a two year thing.

Let's get some things straight, here. I'm not a Jehovah's Witness. I'm not even Christian. I learned TONS about their organization, and TONS about the Bible through their perspective. I never once went to a meeting, or anything like that, and it was cool, no one was pressuring me to. It was just a weekly Bible study. Which I take as more of a scholarly research sort of thing. First, it was Betty. Betty is a pushy woman, with a piercingly high screechy voice. She knows a lot, though, and she was fine to study with. Oh, and she's clinically insane. She dropped out after a few months, and was hospitalized for depression and a bunch of other stuff.

In steps Kathy, whom I love. Kathy is a wonderful woman, smart, sweet, quiet, funny, with a real earnest way about her. She had only been a JW for two years when we met, and her daughter just recently got baptized. When Kathy and (and occasionally her 15 year old daughter) I would study together, it was like us learning together, always challenging each other, and finding things out together. I genuinely like Kathy, she's like human light. There's not a thing bad about her, honestly. We studied for well over a year, and I could have happily gone on like that for more years. Good person, good family, our weekly things were a nice little break.

She had family turbulence, and lots of things happened, so we had to stop with the study. I made it clear to Kathy, that it ends with her, no more studying, please. If she wants to resume where she left off, when life settles back out, that would be cool. That was a little over a month ago.

Betty came back.

Now, she's on a mission. Every time she comes over for our scheduled things, she brings someone from the congregation. I sense that these are really devout types "heavy hitters" if that makes sense. Like Betty's on this mission, and she's brought out the "big guns" Every week for the past month or so, I'm getting grilled on my faith (which I have plainly said is different from their own. If they knew the whole truth...heh, once in awhile I like picturing what Betty would do, if she caught me deep in a trance, or in a full scale purification ritual...but I digress) anyway, getting grilled on my faith, and having their edicts drilled into my head. It's becoming a pain. Spiritually, mentally, approacing physically, my head starts to pound just a little before Tuesday 11 a.m. That's not what I signed up for. They need to GO. Betty won't take no for an answer. You see, I'm rather non-conforntational in real life (amusing, right?) So I can't be like "Listen, bitch, you need to GO. I'm full on-moon-worshipping-drum-beating-nude-dancing-savage-PAGAN" Though, it's tempting. I know she's not wound too tight, and I couldn't hack it if I sent her to the nuthatch. That sounds like a conceit, but you have to understand, she's devoting a lot of time to me. Not only do we have the regular weekly study, but now she's taken to dropping by unannounced...that's no good at all...I'm digressing again. So, ok, I can't just come right out and tell her to beat feet.

I'm being subtle about it. I still gotta do *something* about it, they're killing me. They're wasting my time and theirs, and it's not pleasant anymore. Yesterday, like I said, I meditated on it. I thought about it all day yesterday. I started with a simple purification, cleaning the whole house physically, then psychically, getting out all the nutso-evangelical-militant-JW vibes.

I suppose, though, ya put enough thought into something, direct enough energy into it, it just sets itself in motion.

She called me early this morning, to cancel for today, because she's not feeling well. She normally reschedules something right away, but this time she was being nebulous about it. Do I think I've gotten rid of the JW's completely? Hehe, I can hope, right? No, I think Betty will be back, but when she does come back, I'll be ready for her, and ready to send her packing again.


Anonymous said...

Note to self: Get Lisa onto a Mormon missionary list.

Lili said...

I'll hunt you down. Better yet. I'll give Betty your address.

Lili said...
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Lili said...

Damn system. Damn durty double comment post.