
See what happens when I fuck around for a week?!

I got a seatbelt ticket, it's due TODAY! Wee! I have to sign something for the insurance company, and deliver it TODAY! Wee! I have about 50 checks to take to the bank TODAY! Wee! Three loads of laundry to take to the laundromat, to dry TODAY! Wee! (well, it's not my fault that it's been raining every single night, and we're behind on laundry. Gods what I wouldn't do for a dryer right now)

The upside is, the tax refund came in! WEEEEE!!!! I'm going today, to check out new computers :D


Lili said...

Tess, I'll gladly send you 1200 if you happen to have a brand spanking new gamer's computer, laying around, still in the box. Built to my direct specs.

Afe, that's the story of my friggin life.

Lili said...

I already have a cat. She's not the one that crashes when I try to run two programs. Her fan isn't busted. She's not propped open on my desk with an oscillating fan blowing into her guts. Her power supply is in good shape.

In short; No, I don't need a kitten, I need a new computer.