
The results of the day

I got my labret pierced :) I have mixed feelings. It's pretty, it makes my lips look beautiful, draws attention to them nicely, makes them almost poutier looking (like I need that...). But, it's a pain. If I take big bites, my bottom teeth catch it and get hung up, which right now 7 hours after the piercing...hurts like a bitch. Sugary things hurt, but that's good, I'm off sugar anyway (couldn't resist a nibble of cheesecake after dinner, and I regretted it) It's behaving much like my tounge piercing.

I was thinking about it. I wasn't all obsessed about getting this one, like I was with others. It just seemed like something to do, I guess. I thought hard about why, though. I mentioned it offhand, and the mister flipped out. People flipped out. My mom, my conservative friends (ewww, they say) I thought more and more about it. I kept seeing it on other women and admiring it. I brought it up again to the mister, and he "put his foot down" (harhar) and declared it nasty.

I made up my mind to do it shortly thereafter. Thus is the nature of my way. I wish people would just learn this about me, the more you try to order me, or sway me, or make me do it "your way"...the less likely I will comply. It's been like that my whole life.

I also got my nails done, and a pedicure. I feel sooo pretty :) I seldom feel even remotely attractive, so this is nice. It's high time I gave myself a day of spoiling.

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