

I just purchased my first song. Guns 'n Roses, November Rain. Good feeling, buying a song. It's guaranteed to be the full version, and in good shape.

I've stolen music. It's more complex, though, than just taking something for free. I got my whole CD collection stolen from my house, in October. Someone broke in, and walked out with a laundry bag filled with 400+ CD's. My life was in that bag, signed stuff, rares, imports, all that. Plus, some of my all time favorite tunes/bands. I've downloaded songs, to replace some of what got stolen, I could never replace the whole library, but a few songs I was really in the mood for, I had to get. I feel justified. I bought them all, some more than once.

I also download songs to audition bands, so see if I like their stuff. I started doing that before iTunes and the like came out with 30 second previews. I can't judge a band by 30 seconds, anyway. I figure, if I like three songs off an album of a "new" band (new to me, that is) then they're worth purchasing, and I go right out and buy the CD. One good song will do it for a band I already like.

But, I think my stealing days are coming to an end. I haven't really used K+ in over a month. All the stuff is of lousy quality, half of it doesn't come in properly. It's not worth the hassle. I vow, now, to just pay the $0.99, and buy whatever it is, if iTunes has it. If they don't, then I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Off to see if I can't find a good copy of For All Eternity, by Fight, once and for all. Great song. Hard as hell to find.


Anonymous said...

I watched your house for weeks before I figured out where you kept the CDs.

Lili said...

No, Tess, that's why I'm not uninstalling it, completely. Where else am I gonna get my homosexsual beastiality fix?

Shrap, or whatever the fuck you call yourself these days: Just send back the signed MeatLoaf CD, and the Cramps Gravest Hits, please?

Ally said...

Thats really shitty. Sometimes it amazes me what assholes people can be. :(

I had my purse stolen from my work. I left it there and for 2 days it sat in the breakroom and nobody messed with it. The manager moves it into the office and it gets stolen.

It didnt have any cash in it, thats the kicker. Just my driver's license and passport. I didnt care about the license but I was really pissed about the passport. It had stamps from Switzerland, Italy, France and London. Thats something I can never replace.

If I'd have proof of who did it I would have hurt them. Seriously.