
Ye Gods

I can't keep staring at that god awful smiling maw. I have to write *something* just to push it down a little. Maybe something that makes me smile. Maybe a nice quote. Maybe both.

I love it when my doggies lay across the back of the couch, with their legs draped down, and their heads on the windowsill, catching some rays, or sniffing the breeze. They're like adorable little couch pillows. Me and the dogs have the same simple pleasures. Nap in the sun, a good frolic in the yard, another nap, a good meal... yeah, you get the picture.

"Give me Levity or give me Death!" priest, over on ACF said that. It's my new ACF battlecry.


Lili said...

Ok! I'll try! *gets all solemn*

Look. I'm being morose.

Ally said...

My favorite is when my cat lays on her back next to me. Its almost a sign of absolute trust. Like, I love you and I know you wont hurt me so I'm going to expose my underbelly to you.

That probably sounds strange but thats what I love to watch my cat do. Plus its cute. ;)