

I'm going to start posting thought provoking quotes. Stuff that makes me whip out a highlighter, or "copy/paste" Stuff I want to remember, and share with my non-readers. I shall make them a different color, because like "things that make me smile" this will be a constant thing.

"Organized religion, which likes to fancy itself as the mother of compassion, long ago lost its right to that claim by its organized support of organized violence."
                              -Archeologist, Jules Henry


Lili said...

Yay! And yay!

Lili said...

Not at all, not at all. I expounded on that in the entry before this one.

Anonymous said...

As if violence can't be compassionate.

Lili said...

I don't think he's referring to what goes on in the back room of that S&M club you frequent.