

Saw The Harriet this morning, as usual. She came clip-clopping across the parking lot, on her teeny high heels, with her arms outstretched. "I'M SORRRRRRY!!! I'm sorry I just looked at a calendar today! I didn't even KNOW yesterday was the 13th! Happy Birthday, omg!"

I smiled. Nooooooo biggie. But, she's firmed her status, with me.

More news on the JW's: Betty called again today, but only to say how totally ill she is, and she couldn't possibly make it this coming week.


I am in the best mood, ever.


Anonymous said...

I recommend extending (y)our birthday for another day. All in favor....

Lili said...

Haha, beat you to it, I'm getting taken out to brunch in a few minutes, FOR MY BIRTHDAY! :p

Happy Birthday, Day Two, GE.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh order the most expensive thing on the menu. :) You deserve it.

JW, like Mormons, are scary.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh order the most expensive thing on the menu. :) You deserve it.

JW, like Mormons, are scary.

Ally said...

This double posting bit is pissing me off. =\

Lili said...

Just click it once, and whether it looks like it goes through or not, it does. I double posted a few times, too. It takes a good long time, sometimes for them to show up.

Also, it's a super new system, so I think it's still buggy.

Anonymous said...

impatient noobs.. lil commented 3 times that i am a man.

Lili said...

Not Lil, I didn't say that. Non reading n00b... :p