
Wacky new net hobby

Since quitting the VN boards, my internet time has gotten, well, rather empty. Right around that same time, this neat little bar popped up, on top of the screen (look up, you see it...the one with the search box and next blog buttons). So, I hit "Next Blog" to see where I would go. Who are my neighbors, here, on blogger?

It's addictive, let me tell you. Next. Angsty teenager. Next. Angsty adult. Next. Boring person talking about how boring their life is. Next. Something in Arabic. Next. A blog about food. Next. Someone really friggin fascinating *bookmark*. And so it continues. Like potato chips, I just can't stop myself at one. It's a joyride through people's lives! Some of which I don't understand, some bore me to pieces, some piss me off...but it's all entertainment!

I feel so nosy, like when you go trick or treating, and you peer in people's houses, when they open the door to give you candy. Oh, I'm not the only one who's ever done it, so shut up.

I'm learning all sorts of interesting facts, too. Like, Asian girls like take their names from American pop stars. I've seen Avril, Ashley Simpson (is that a pop star, even? I don't even know...sounds like it...), and others. There are a lot of angry Christian teens, at conflict with the world, too. And, many world travelers. Getting loads of cool info about far away lands. Like, a bamboo ear cleaner in Singapore costs the equivalent to $0.24. Who knew?


Lili said...

Hiya, thanks for commenting! That 'next blog' button is a wonder, ain't it? I'm gonna go check yours out, when I'm sober ;)

Anonymous said...

you quit vn? wtf i didn't get the memo

Lili said...

If I knew who you were, mister anonymous, I'd have told you...