
Ohh yeah

I was gonna sum up that ridiculously long road trip story, with this insight:

Harriet is one of those friends. Bill called her a pork chop. You gotta trim off a lot of crap, before you get to the good part. It's good, but, a lot of work. She couldn't hold out her act for so long, so when it tapered off, and all that was left was the true person, she's good, and a good friend. Take her away from the audience, and, everything normalizes. We still laugh together, at those times, cry on each other's shoulders, etc.

We have a lot of deep down stuff in common, and I know my stability is good for her to be around. Her outgoingness is probably good for me, saves me from being a total hermit.

Despite all my bitching, and all her bizarre personality flaws, they're not without reasons, and she's still an alright person.

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