

I hate this. It's almost time to jet, for Michele's shower, and I'm in that twilight between going too early, and leaving too late. All dressed up, and agonizing.

I didn't get her a card, but, I suck at cards. I can never think of anything meaningful to write in them. Maybe I'll go now, get a blank card, and sit in the car, letting the thoughts come. It'll come off as cheesy and unrefined, though. Bah. But, not having a card is cheesy and unrefined, too.

I'm also having a moment, because I *hate* going to parties, gatherings are a minor phobia of mine (for some reason that phobia doesn't extend to having them, I love throwing parties). I'm going by myself, so no Bill to cling to. Now I'm all wondering did Lisa get my email RSVP? I sent it last minute, like July 30... I never got an email back. Will there be room for me? Do I look like a hobo? Am I overdressed? Agony agony agony.

It's time to leave. I'm cardless. Michele, I hope you'll understand. Maybe I'll just tell you the things I'd put in the card.

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