
Poor Bill

Bill, as Caoilin has arbitrarily titled The Mister (which I like, because it's more concise), is a disaster.

First of all, let it be known, that he is the rashiest mo'fo on two legs. If he were a female, we could call it "sensitive skin" but he's not, so, he's just rashy. In the 7+ years we've been together, I don't think a week has gone by, where he didn't have some kind of poison ivy, or plant infection, or reaction, or something.

He used my Dial Antibacterial wash, the other day, the stuff I keep around to wash all the piericings. Apparently he didn't rinse well enough. Sunday morning, he had an outbreak of faint pink bumps across his chest, and arms. It got worse, throughout Sunday. By Sunday night, they were getting red, and they were on his arms, back, neck, legs, ass, and...everything in between. The only spot he didn't have it, was the middle of his back, which is why we think it was the soap. You can almost see where he swiped the washcloth. Monday morning, he left for work, and I didn't get to examine him, but when he came home last night, he was bright, angry red, from head to toe. The bumps melted together, till he was a walking puffy hive. His face was puffy and swollen, and he had a raging fever. Poor spotted man. I made him soup, made him take Benedryl, and some Tylenol, made him shower with baby wash, and I used an entire bottle of Caledryl on him, and made him lay down and go to sleep.

He looked like a tomato, left out in the sun to go over. He took off of work today, but insisted on working in the house. He's feeling better, the bumps are fading, and the fever is gone, but now he pulled his back out, moving the range hood. *roll eyes*

Sometimes I wish I could encapsulate him in a plastic bubble, so he doesn't fuck himself up too much.


Adam said...

Have you looked into prescription strength dermatological creams? My daughter has what doctors call a variation Eczema, in which she gets frequent rashes all over. We use a cream called Elocon. It's a steroid cream so it's not designed for extended use, but on my daughter it works so well that within an hour of application the rash is entirely gone.

There is also a non-steroid cream called Elidel that is supposed to be effective, however we haven't bothered since we have to use so little of the Elocon and it works so well.

Lili said...

He doesn't get eczema, but my son gets a mild case of it, once in awhile. We use the Elidel, it works pretty well, for what he gets. The mister is just reactive, it's not eczema, mostly. I think, though, he gets it on his knuckles sometimes. This time, it was definitely the soap. He's a landscaper, so not a week goes by, where he's not pulling up posion ivy, or sumac, or some other bizarre posionous plant.

Anonymous said...

It must be us Scorpios. (BTW. it's ME!!!!! Chimele!!)
I have some kind of funky rash all over my legs. I have no ides what caused it, but it looks like eczema, and my brother said it looks like it was the friction of my thighs rubbing together... (what a punk!)
Hope your Viking is feeling better. Mine just has to deal with my whining...