
Pets and travel

I was thinking about this today, because I'm desperately in the mood to go camping, and well, pets have been on my mind a lot.

It sucks that pets aren't allowed at more places. I know, I know, liability, property damage, people leaving poop around, I know about all that. I'd like to think that pet ownership is evolving, though. Instead of having a dog, just to have a dog, I think more people are having companion animals. To me, that means a more sure sense of responsibility, concerning your pet. We train our animals more conscientiously, and with an eye toward blending well with humans. My dogs never chew, snap, bark unreasonably, (ok, we're having housebreaking issues, but shit can be cleaned up. If she poops at the campground, I certainly wouldn't leave it there. Like a house, you clean it up asap.), etc.

I know loads of pet owners that have great, well mannered, totally socialized dogs. It's a shame that not everyone who wants to bring their pets traveling, or camping, train them to be good. If everyone's dog was well mannered, and well behaved, and every owner was responsible enough to leash the animal, and clean up after it, I think we'd have less pet restrictions.

I'm still looking for the perfect pets-allowed campsite. So far we have the perfect one, but no dogs :( Or, this really crummy one, with all sorts of bizarre rules...but they allow pets.


Adam said...

Bah, camping! Gimme a Hilton any day... (even Paris!) I've never gotten the idea of sleeping on the ground instead of a nice warm bed, or sleeping outside in the muggy, buggy air instead of a nice air conditioned room. :D

Lili said...

What, are you kidding!? I never sleep on the ground! Aerobed for the win! Please. I looooove camping, but only in the late summer-fall, or spring. When it's COOL out. I hate roughing it ;)

Lili said...

Hello there, new guy! Thanks for commenting :D Yeah, I know. Raccoons do it! Why can't my little Pookie do it!? She's smaller than a racoon, anyway!

Now that I think about it, would it even be a good idea to bring the bichon camping? She's definitely not the outdoorsy type. She would spend all day in the tent, on the aerobed, nestled in the 10 or so pillows that we bring...

Anonymous said...

You have a bichon?

I am ashamed to know you.