
Cute list, stolen from Chimele

[First job]: I volunteered at the Navy Youth Center, when I lived on Guam, as an assistant counseler. My first paying job was working in a small, family operated pork rind factory.

[First screen name]: sisdeth13 (I know! 6 years, and I still use it!)

[First funeral]: I've been to a few, but I never really knew the people, my very first one was Earl's father, Cliff, but I met him twice. The first (and only) one that really impacted me was Tom's.

[First pet]: besides goldfish? Zukey, the most ignorant Peke in the universe

[First piercing]: My ears, when I was a baby.

[First tattoo]: crescent moon and star on my right breast, I got it when I was 16.

[First credit card]: Visa. I still have it, too.

[First kiss]: Joe Downey, when I was 14. Snuck out of the house, in the summertime to hang out with my friends (I was grounded, and the middle of the night is when we could all hang out and see each other). He was like "c'mere", and dragged me around behind the garage, and started making out with me. I didn't even know what to do. He had an enormous tounge, and he was a smoker, so it was all very strange.

[First enemy]: I remember getting into a scuffle with this kid Mike Hogan, when I was in third grade. That was my first fight, I think. His whole crew became my nemesis(es?) over the years...till, like 8th grade, then we all got hormones and started hanging around each other, making out, and stuff. See above. Yeah, I wound up fooling around with him too.

[First favorite musician]: Prince


[Last car ride]: Driving home from my mom's house.

[Last kiss]: Irv, like, an hour ago.

[Last movie watched]: Mask was just on, and I watched it...for the millionth time, and yeah, I got all weepy.

[Last beverage drank]: hot apple cinnamon tea, from Quick Check

[Last food consumed]: dinner, which was stuffed pork chops with bleu cheese, and spinach sauteed with garlic and olive oil

[Last phone call]: Irv, bitching about the fact that one of his mowers is on it's last leg

[Last time showered]: about 3 hours ago

[Last CD played]: Pearl Jam 10

[Last web site visited]: Cao's ghetto boards (i.e. the new Cantina)

[Lesson learned]: when the dog runs around whining, she really does have to go out, but she doesn't necessarily feel like shitting when she's out there taking in all the sights, and will, in fact, save up her shit, till she finds a nice pile of clean clothes to deposit it in :


[Single or Taken]: taken, mostly ;)

[Sex]: yes please

[Birthday]: 5-13-78

[Sign]: Taurus

[Siblings]: my half-brother Chris

[Hair color]: red

[Eye color]: green

[Shoe size]: 9.5

[Height]: 5'8"

[Mood]: insomnia-twitchy

[City you're in]: HAH you call this a city!? Union Beach. The puddle with houses in it.

Right now what are you...

[Supposed to be doing instead of this]: sleeping

[Wearing]: yoga pants and a wifebeater

[Drinking]: my own saliva

[Thinking about]: my empty spider tank, and all the crap I gotta go do
tomorrow, which includes returning the iPod AGAIN...

[Listening to]: All in the Family, on TV

[About to do]: take the dog out for her final pee of the night


Anonymous said...

[Hair color] Blonde

You liar


Lili said...

I'll kick your ass.