
The Card, or lack thereof

I thought hard about why I hate greeting cards (and, omg I do, you have no idea how much I hate them) Not recieving, that's no biggie, but, giving. I simply don't do cards, not for holidays, not for birthdays, not for events, no cards. Till now, I never really examined the whys of it, but it's been a fact as long as I can remember.

I really hate trite shit. I can't do the "Best Wishes!" bullshit. If I congratulate someone, it's a genuine congratulations. If I want to say how overjoyed I am, that they're having a kid, I will tell them, or write a letter about it, in a blank card (because sometimes ya gotta do cards, no matter what...where else are you gonna stick money) I feel awkward and cheesy writing a line of overused token sentiment. I feel even awkwarder and cheesier if I DIDN'T write it, and just gave someone a card saying whatever.

I came to this epiphany, when signing this little booklet card thing, Michele had at her shower. Everyone signed it with 'Best Wishes' or 'Congratulations' I wanted to say more, something meaningful. I could've written a paragraph.

I'm going to get her wedding card, very soon, and I'll start writing it, now. It'll be a book, I'm sure, so I gotta get a huge one, or one with some pages in it, or some shit.


Adam said...

I don't do cards either, but at least I have an out. My wife does them for me. And I know she feels similar to you - that writing stuff in a card can just be cheesy and not worth the effort. She generally signs them "Congratulations, Let's talk about it!" and leaves it at that, figuring that the sentiments written in a card are forgotten as soon as the recipient moves on to the next on in their stack.

Lili said...

You write the best cards, though! I still have some birthday cards, from way back. You used to draw pictures, and stuff too. Best card writer ever.