
Sooo...this is 27.

This year's birthday is looking to be very low key, and pleasant. It's a Michele Day, so we're hanging out, getting some Thai food, maybe go on a road trip somewhere. The mister has a suprise for me tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. This is the first year he's actively participating in my birthday, if that makes sense.

Last year, he took the day off, and just sorta got dragged around, while I did all stuff I wanted to do. It was pleasant, and spending time with him -during the season- like that, was a honor in its own right. But, he's never been one to make plans. He's not the "buy a present, wrap it, throw a party, bake a cake, suprise the lady somehow" kind of guy. Generally, he asks in advance, in March sometime what I want. Usually it's some type of electronics. This year, I asked for speakers for the Blazer, since the system in there...sucks. So, normally, that would be it. Dinner, speakers shopping. This year, it's a suprise. I'm interested in seeing what he has cooked up. Oh, he's suprised me once before, that's right. He took me to a concert, the day before my birthday, some years back, that actually, fully was a shock. Maybe I should wear my concert gear, out to dinner...

Either way, today is gonna be great. My mom asked me if I felt old, last night. I didn't, till she asked me. Then, of course I got all manner of shit about my age, in /g last night (Opti, you bastard) But Lucius consoled me. He said "no, you look way younger than 27, you're youthful in everything you do, you're very young at heart. You play videogames! That's SO childish!" (this coming from my steady gaming companion...) He has such a way with words. So, yeah, that made me feel a lot better.

Though, I wonder, at times, what 27 is supposed to look like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday the 13th Birthday!