
A simple thing to remember...

This is for everyone, now. When someone asks you "Can you give me a ride back from the car place, at 10, on Tuesday morning?" And you reply without hesitation "Sure! No problem." Maybe you should hesitate. Hesitate and process the request...write down the time...mentally go over your calendar for that day. Something, anything, so that said requestor (myself, in this case) doesn't leap out of bed Tuesday morning, elated, thinking they have a sure ride to the car place.

I called her to remind her, around 8:30. "Mom, remember around 9:45ish, we're going to Ultimate Audio, so I can get my stuff installed. I just need a ride home."


"Yeah, 10."

"Oh, I can't make it, I've got a guy meeting me in Perth Amboy, about the house..."

"Tell him to meet you at 10:30."

"*stammer mumble* I'll give you money, to take a cab, home from the car place..."


"Well, let's go right now, then. You can drop your car off and leave the keys in it."

"No. I have an appointment at 10."


"You said you would. Don't promise me things like that, if you're not sure, I'm really relying on you today."

Then came the discussion about when she promised, how, and why didn't I force her to write it down? Then came resignation.

"Fine, be ready at 9:40 SHARP."

"I was already dressed."

SOMETIMES *I* feel like the parent. She's not EVEN coming to pick me up. Earl got home early, from wherever he goes early in the morning, and she enlisted him.

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