

I've decided that July has got to go.  Totally superfluous month.  I decree that July will hereby be stricken from the calendar, in exchange for two Octobers.  October is the best month of the year, we need at least twice the Octobery goodness.  July sucks.  Hot, sticky, nothing really going on.  Now, I know what you're thinking, what about the 4th, what about my birthday, what about your anniversary!? 

There's no holidays in August, so, we can just shuffle them all over to August.  2 months is enough for summer, I think.  June is still fun, getting out of school, the cool late spring nights, etc.  August is a good month for vacationing, getting ready to go back to school, enjoying the early harvests, and that slow, sleepy late summer feeling.  July, well, meh.  It's like summer purgatory.

Here's to the rest of summer flying the hell by, and fall getting here asap.  Three cheers for September.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Great post. I love your writing style!