
Small Victory

Remember the progress/no progress entry? Well, unbeknownst to me, the boss (Joe) walked around the house, last night, checking up on what his guys did (for 3 days worth of work. They were supposed to be there for 3 days. 6 hours, remember.) And was horrified. He found the beer cans in the trash, knows we don't drink that shit. He found the cigarette butts on the floor in the living room (which even I missed), and he found that the majority of the work was uncompleted.

He fired the two guys responsible. We thought he just took them off the job, but, turns out, he fired them. He pulled his best guy (whom I really like, this dude named Peto) from a high $$ job, and will having him complete the work, solo. Peto is gonna work every day, till the job is done.

It's about goddamned time things started looking up. It's about goddamned time Joe got his shit together and started acting like a business man.

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