
Kick Start

Three things I did today:  (you're gonna laugh)
I stayed in bed till 11.  I got up at 9, but, instead of leaping out of bed, I rolled over and grabbed my new book, Stiff, by Mary Roach.  If you have a modicum of morbid curiosity, I highly recommend it.  I bought it yesterday, and I'm almost done with it, lively read, impossible to put down.
I took stock of the liquor cabinet.  My mom is out of town, leaving her enormous house, pool, hot tub, very long sofa, big screen TV, and stolen cable, alllll alone.  SOMEONE HAS TO KEEP ALL THAT STUFF COMPANY!!!  We fully intend to.  We're bringing booze, too.  Now for the agonizing decision of the day.  Mai Tais, or Jamaican Blue...
I've been neglectful to my householdly duties this week, so I'm spending today in penitence.  I mopped the bathroom floor, did the dishes, cleaned the skunky water out from around the dish drain, scrubbed the toilet, etc.  All the nasty icky jobs that'll get my efforts noticed.

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