
Wrong Coast

I'm starting to believe it, even.  So, I've homogenized my little group of eFriends (who are starting to mean more to me, then some people I know irl, but that's another entry, I think).  But, they're all on the west coast.  Which means, when I'm free to talk (my early morning and afternoon) they're all sleeping.  When I should be sleeping (like, after midnight here) their parties are just getting started, or they just settle in for a night of being online.

My schedule is evolving in this weird way.  A few factors cause it, like my lack of jobby things to do, the house is in stasis, Alden's not in school, so nothing drags me out of the house at 7 a.m., etc.  That's all a fact, but the formative thing is the west coast friends.

I find myself staying up till three, and sleeping till 11.  Getting housework , job work,  and errands done before three, when they all generally tumble out of bed, and then I can kiss off the rest of the day. 

It's a strange, easy going schedule.  So far, it isn't causing problems, but it's definitely different.  Plus, some people are worth it, seriously worth it.

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