

We have so much shit to do...my Dad's gonna be here in 3 days, and I wanted to get so much done. Not that he cares, of course, house tidiness only marginally registers on his personal meter...I just feel better. If we can't get motivated to tidy up the bookshelves, and mop the back half of the house for him visiting, I give up hope for getting motivated to do it, at all. One of those things. Though, It's 7:30, and I'm really sleepy right now. After I get home from taking Alden to school, I hope I can find it in myself not to pass out on the living room floor, like I did yesterday...

Luiz is no help. I tell him the night before...k, we're getting up early, go to bed at a normal time. He doesn't, and is a pain in the ass to wake up. I give up in the middle of trying to wake him up, and get all slackass, myself. It's such a cycle.

Oh, how I would love to be sleeping now.

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