
My Karma is running me over.

That's about how I feel, right now. I'm not sure what I did recently to deserve this dose of yuck, but goddamn. This weird blight thing is looking like a Staph infection. Staph scares me, but it's treatable, I'm taking antibiotics, right now.

I fell down the last three steps, just a few minutes ago, and twisted the everlovingfuck out of my knee.

I'm tired but I can't sleep. Bored, but I can't read. Annoyed with certain people living in my house, who think World of Warcraft makes a great life career ("I only played seven hours today...what, I was taking a break...") I'm. Just. Pissy.

Seems like every nerve ending on my body is singing with some kind of pain, and or itching.

I need to get well. I need to get away for a little while.

On the up side, I started classes, today. I'm really enthusiastic about them both. The writing class looks to be difficult, but in a good way. The music/history class is a riot, the professors are fantastic, funny, old hippies. The writing professor is really a history/philosophy prof, but he's teaching the writing class, because like he said "I do enough of this shit on a day-to-day, that I'm qualified to teach it." Think Donald Sutherland in Animal House. Not the scene where he's padding across the kitchen bareassed, but the scene where he's like "do you want to smoke some pot?".

Maybe I twisted my knee, because I was thinking impure thoughts about my relatively hot writing teacher. Or, maybe I'm just clumsy with the tendancy to overanalyze everything...

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