
Well, fucking aye. I would have a nice juicy semi-daily "Remote" posting, here, but seems that when I was talking with a friend, MY SON LOCKED MY KEYS IN THE FUCKING GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING CAR. Along with the notebook, purse, etc... *VENTVENTVENTVENTVENT* Lucky for me, though, she hadn't pulled away just yet, and I got a ride home. My vehicle is still at the school. GRR. He's sitting in his room, punished, for the day, all privileges stripped.

Now, he's a good boy, and an honest one, which I value. I asked him WTF was he THINKING, when he locked the doors!? (as all parents are apt to do) He said, and I quote "I wasn't in the mood to go home, I figured we could stay here" Inside I had to chuckle. Outside I freaked out...YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE??!?!?!? He did, oh yeah. He thought we'd just hang out there at the playground, till someone rescued us. (Did I mention, it's raining...) And here's me thinking it was some kind of bizarre accident...I should have known better...he is my kid, after all. He's less clutzy, and more conniving than he lets on.

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