

I love the sanctity of this half hour. I'm writing in the car again, waiting in the school parking lot. My little bubble of sanctity in this big plump bass kickin pimptastic Caddilastic. Voltaire is the music of the moment (I guess one can never really shake an addiction) I'm sure you can hear it three minivans away. Good. Call it my way of exposing the masses of white trash soccer moms to a little dark culture. Whoaooaaah dead girls like meeeehehee Broadening their horizons, if you will. I'm singing right along, too. They must seriously want me locked up. Ok, so that's what this really is. A bubble. Everyone can see in, and hear what I'm up to. I'm on a mini stage, and the audience ain't happy. I'm at perfect peace, and I feel their stares. I half ignore it, half revel in it.

ooOOOOh "When You're Evil" just came on. Time to crank it up, and really perform. See if I can't get the kid on the playground to sing along.

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