
So, webcams. I don't want one. Ever. I hate being looked at. I don't really like showing online folks my picture, either. It's not because I think I'm ugly, I don't, more on that later.

If you need to know what I look like, to decide if you want to be my friend or not, then I don't want to know you. Online, my mind is my personality. You can't see the way I walk, or hear the way I talk, truly. You can't see my gestures or the way I narrow my eyes. It's all about my mind, the purest form of me. If what I offer isn't enough, and you must insist that you see the face, then I know where your interests lie, and I can feel how shallow you are. I have no qualms showing my picture to well established friends, especially if they don't ask. I do like seeing people's faces as much as anyone, and it's nice to finally associate a personality with a face, but it's soooo not necessary.

My most longterm, possibly best eFriend, Greg, I would say he knows more about me than anyone besides my husband, he and I have never once exchanged pictures. I couldn't pick him out of a lineup, ditto for him not seeing me. We simply don't need it.

I'm not ugly. I'm interesting looking, and I don't know anyone that looks quite like me. I'm fine with my self esteem, and all that. I had to really analyze that, because I thought I might be afraid of showing people what I look like. Not that at all. Plenty of people have seen me, but it's who I choose.

It boils down to I am not the person you see in the picture. I am the person that is typing these words. If the picture means that much, than the words obviously don't. If you're too lazy to know me, a picture won't help you, it'll just objectify me.

Plus, I hear webcams steal your soul.

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