

Close friend calls today, all bubbling over, with excitement. She couldn't wait to tell me! She got a doggie! She's been wanting an English Bulldog for about a week, so I call this an impulse buy. I mean, two weeks ago, we had to dogsit for her other two dogs, and they were a horror show...not trained, not housebroken, and she was at her wits end with THOSE.

So, she calls me last week, asking if I knew where to get one, so I urged her to check in with local rescues, and the local shelters. She was like "mm, too much trouble" To get a dog? To get a companion that's going to live with you for the next 15 years? I mean...you go at least test drive a car, right?

Well, she called today, and couldn't contain the news, she got her bulldog! I was like, "wow, so fast, where did you get him?" Long story short, they got him at a pet store. A puppy mill pet store. I could barely keep the revulsion out of my voice.

I cannot BELIEVE the ignorance of some people, these people call themselves educated, well read, etc, and they had to rush right out to the nearest sleazy pet store and get a puppy mill garbage dog. That is a shame, shame shame. I stopped even trying to sound happy for her. (let's face it, they have two untrained dogs in a small rental house, they both work 8 hours a day, with the dogs in an overly small crate all day...I think they should look into rehoming the two they have, so I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about the idea of a new dog.) So, I'm disgusted. The damn dog cost $2400. They're not wealthy people, though they spend money like they are.

There are so many things wrong with all this, I can't even get my mind around it. All I know is that next time we hang out with them, it is going to be very hard to be all smily and happy for their new addition. I feel bad for that dog, and the other two, and I feel outraged that they are keeping puppy mills in business by shelling out ludicrous amounts of cash for a dog.

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