

I'm not sure why, but I'm anticipating the new server opening up, in AC. AC has been boring, a minor distraction, at best, for a year now. Maybe because it's something different. Maybe because we all have the same chance, starting out new. Maybe because I'm hoping that people I know will start there, and I'll *finally* have someone to game with.

I don't do well in mmo's on my own. If I don't have a steady gaming partner, or group, then I'm adrift. It hasn't been right since the old AC crew, that dissolved in Fall of '02. Morrowind is good, still, but I powergamed through it, finished the main quest, and now have no desire to repeat all that on this new machine.

I want to reinstall NWN, and FINALLY pick back up on my mod. That thing has been is mothballs so long, I hope I remember where I was going with it. I just can't find all the CD's :|

If AC doesn't succeed this time around, with the new server, I'm quitting (again, yes, 3 times) and looking for a new MMO, either CoH, or SWG. I need something social, I think.


Anonymous said...

Admit it. You need me.

Lili said...

Gaming hasn't been the same since you left my eworld, man.

So, when you comin back to AC?