

Today is the one year anniversary of us becoming the official owners of these houses. June 11 of 2003, was the closing date.

It was when the bank gave our lawyer a check for $75,000.00, and he in turn gave Sr. and Bonnie a check for 33,000. That was an incredible day.

The reason they only got 33 out of 75 grand, is because the bitch stepmother, Bonnie, decided at last minute, to put her name on the deed of the house. All the leins and judgements against her, from unpaid doctor bills, bailing her idiot children out of prison (one of which who set the house on fire shortly thereafter, but that's another entry), etc etc, were transferred along with her name, on to the property. She fucked herself out of the full 75k, which was their asking price. 42 thousand, in leins. How DOES one manage to rack up that much debt? I don't know, and I don't care. It wasn't my problem. Karma, baby.

That was then. We immediately went to speak to Joe (yes, the same one from The Brawl) and he gave us a great estimate. The Tuesday following, we applied for the permits to start rehabilitating the burned house.

That was when Joe got into a fistfight, Jerry Springer style, with the head of the town's building department. Do I need to mention, that it took almost 4 months, exactly to get our permits? Yeah.

I know, I know what you're thinking. A smart person would have fired him then, right? He was fighting for me, he wanted to make sure the inspector (who, arguably, is a sticky dick wrinkle, and crooked as a question mark) wasn't trying to fuck us. Well, after the fight, the inspector came over to our house, personally, to apologize to me. He was rather nice, considering he got assaulted by Joe.

Look how far we've come. Just look. :|


Adam said...

It's almost over. And down the road this will all be funny...

Ally said...

I know how it feels, to look back and realize "holy crap that was a whole year of my life." Its amazing how time flies and how fast things can change. Congratulations on everything though. :D