

First entry from the new computer. I love this machine. Its only flaw is that there are somehow graphics card compatability problems. Once in awhile it freezes and the screen goes black. Very strange, very irritating, but I'm working on fixing it. 19" moniter, though, it's incredible, with 18" viewable. I have to sit 3 feet back from my desk, it's like being at the movies.

The 5.1 surround sound is nice, too. I haven't had speakers for a year. It's like being deaf, and hearing for the first time, haha.

It just looks cool, too. All sleek and black. It's lit from the inside with green, red and blue lights, and it has this thing called "The Guardian" on the front, which is a blue light, reminiscent of Kit's red light, from Knight Rider (yeah yeah, I know I'm showing my age) It even pulses and sweeps. I'm smitten. I'm in deep smit.

It's a royal pain, however, trying to fix it all the way I like it. Downloading all the little programs that make my life happy. Establishing all my favorites, reinstalling all my games, etc etc. It's a pain in the ass, but a labor of love, I suppose.

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