
We regret to inform you...

I just spent time composing one of those "We regret to inform you that we're raising the prices on your lawn service, due to the drastic increase of the price of gas" letters, and now I have to do a mass mailing. I expect to lose a ton of customers. And, I don't blame them. Everything's jumping, LEAPING up in cost, who can afford to have their grass cut professionally?

This economy is in the shithole. Pretty soon, it's gonna be like it was during the French Revolution. There won't BE a middle class. There's gonna be the very very rich, and...the rest of us.

Yesterday, Irv suggested we go to New Hope, on Sunday, just for the nice drive out there, and a pleasant way to kill an afternoon. Now I'm like...damn, can we afford that? It's an hour long road trip! Normally, it's our "cheap day". But, with the way things are changing, an hour long ride is going to become something people save up for.

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